injector staff


Concierge Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery is proud to offer a wide selection of Injectable services to the residents of Aurora, Chicago.

contouring on patient
Body Contouring

Body Contouring

Non-surgical & minimally invasive body contouring eliminates body fat in many areas. Change your body & enhance your figure today without the need for surgery.

woman getting skin treatment
Skin Tightening

Skin Tightening

Our advanced treatments utilize cutting-edge technology to rejuvenate and firm your skin, providing a revitalized and youthful appearance tailored to your unique beauty.

getting treatment
Laser Treatments

Laser Treatments

Our wide range of light & laser energy procedures provides advanced cosmetic skin treatments. Minimal downtime without any scarring. Customizable & non-invasive.

woman getting skin rejuvenation treatment
Skin Rejuvenation

Skin Rejuvenation

Concierge Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery is proud to offer a wide selection of Skin Rejuvenation services to the residents of Aurora, Chicago.

forehead massage
Spa Services

Spa Services

Concierge Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery is proud to offer a wide selection of Spa Services to the residents of Aurora, Chicago.

man crossing his arms
Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration

Hair loss is an issue that can affect not only your scalp but also your overall self-esteem.

Schedule a Consultation Start Your Journey With Concierge

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